Healthy Start™

Healthy Start™ is a myofunctional treatment program that fixes concerns in adolescents and prepares children for proper oral development as they mature. At Dee for Dentist in Las Vegas, our gentle and supportive team of experts helps your child develop healthily.

By setting regular appointments for your child, they'll be less likely to develop later problems:

  • Obstructive sleep apnea
  • Bed-wetting
  • Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
  • Teeth misalignments

To book your child's appointment, call the office or book online now.

Healthy Start™ Q & A

What is the Healthy Start™ System?

Healthy Start™ focuses on preventative care for children, involving smaller devices that are more comfortable and less intimidating. The Healthy Start device widens both arches, making room for new teeth as they begin to grow.
This versatile device also helps straighten the teeth as they grow, and it promotes ideal jaw development. Without proper development, your child could develop misalignments.
Using the Healthy Start™ System, we can prevent major health and development complications at a young age.

How Can Healthy Start™ Prevent Sleep Apnea?

A Healthy Start™ device expands your child's airway safely and controllably over time. This may lessen or even prevent sleep-disordered breathing, such as obstructive sleep apnea.

How Do Healthy Start™ Devices Prevent Bed-Wetting?

Did you know that bed-wetting can indicate breathing difficulties like obstructive sleep apnea. Any disordered breathing condition you have can disrupt the oxygen/carbon dioxide (CO2) balance in your child's blood. Then when the oxygen is dismal, bed-wetting occurs.
Similar to sleep apnea, expanded airways restore proper function and processes within your child's body. With regular oxygen levels coursing throughout, bed-wetting, much like sleep apnea, may stop or become significantly more infrequent.

Does Healthy Start™ help with ADHD?

Healthy Start™ may benefit those living with ADHD. These individuals may have airway or oral health complications at the root of their unique situations. Many parents say their Healthy Start™ device was helpful for their child, and many children who came to us for help were able to reduce or even stop their prescriptions.
Sometimes, children can even see significant improvement as early as a few days after first use. However, only make such changes to your child's medication with their pediatrician's full knowledge and guidance.

When Should Children Begin Healthy Start™ Treatment?

The younger the age, the better. Ideally, the first Healthy Start™ exam will occur before your child's second birthday. While older children who use Healthy Start™ devices find it affective, it's significantly more impactful when you start young.
Early application goes a long way to prevent developmental concerns.

At Dee for Dentist, we’re the experts in Healthy Start treatments. Our office is one of the few practices in the Las Vegas area certified in this form of treatment. We create the ideal treatment plan to ensure good oral health for your child as they grow up, unique to their needs.

Healthy Start™ Results Gallery

Picture of a class three correction.
Overbite correction picture.
Picture of overbite correction.
Upper crowding correction.
lower crowding correction.
Picture comparing a compromised and developed airway.
Picture of overjet correction.

Set an Appointment!

We understand how important it is for young children to get a head start on their oral wellness. Call Dee for Dentist or book your child's Healthy Start™ exam online anytime.

*Individual results may vary.

A graphic showing the many benefits of Healthy Start.

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One phone call can help you get a brighter smile. The team at Dee for Dentist is here to answer all your questions. Contact us today to schedule a consultation!

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